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5 August 2014

3 Powerful Tips to Instantly Increase Productivity

Jairek Robbins

As we are coming to about that time of year, when we blink and it feels like it’s almost over. Time flies when you’re having fun right!? But is it possible to have fun AND be productive? Absolutely!


And this week in JRCtv, we are talking about how to do exactly that: How continue to go out with a bang this summer and have ton of fun and be insanely productive too!


Naturally, I’m super excited to share any insight, advice or coaching tips with you, that I know have worked for me (and my team) as well as my amazing coaching clients! This week is NO exception.

 SEE ALSO: Strategies of the Sexes: Time Management

So grab the download below first! Then watch the episode as I share productivity tips that will help you achieve massive results in life and business!

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We all know summertime is usually busy and crazy with fun filled distractions from weddings, vacations, family reunions etc. However, it doesn’t mean you can’t still get ahead!!


Rather than falling behind on that endless to do list, this week we are talking about 3 Tips to Instantly Increase Productivity. These coaching tips will help you get ahead of the game and immediately boost your productivity so we can finish this summer stong!!


Now this isn’t a one time thing. You want to apply these tips every week as we do with our team to make sure we are on top of our game regardless of the reason, the season, or the obstacles! The best part is, the more you apply it, the better results you’ll see! So be sure to share this with your team as well!


The topics we’ll highlight in this episode include:

  1. The Myths of Multitasking
  2. Prioritizing for Increased Productivity
  3. How to Make Other’s Stick To Your Calendar!


This is what works incredibly well for us and our coaching clients, but I’d love to hear what works for you and HOW these tips work for you as well!! Be sure to leave a comment below!


Lastly, whether you have a coach or wish you had one (if this is you, sign up for your free discovery coaching session here!), these are free coaching lessons make specifically for you! But remember, what good is it, if you don’t apply it. So grab the download, and spend 5 minutes over breakfast, lunch, or dinner to apply these lessons and immediately see results!!


PS: WE ARE GOING TO THAILAND! Join us on the 2014 Rapid Results Retreat! It’s an amazing way to jump-start the new year for your life, love and business!! (and check a few things off your bucket list too!)


Get Your 3 Tips to Increase Productivity Download Here!

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