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10 March 2015

Create Content Your Audience Craves – Interview with Chris Brogan

Jairek Robbins

chris brogan quote interview with jairek robbins create content that sellsToday we sit down with one of the most brilliant minds behind content and community marketing, Chris Brogan.


Chris is an absolute pro and you’ll love his laid back and real approach.


Related: 5 Genius Time Management – An Interview with Brian Tracy


His speciality is sharing powerful tools and insanely helpful strategies (via books and courses) to help entrepreneurs create profit centers among their community by tapping into their greatest strengths and providing immense value.


Chris Brogan is all about providing tangible tools that you can easily understand and apply to your business or life, immediately.

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His tools not only save a lot of time and headache, they also cut out the BS. I highly recommend checking out his books & programs. I’ll be picking up “Love Letters” asap to get his personal strategy on email marketing that creates a great relationship with your readers and raving fans.


In our interview we tackle topics that will help you up your marketing game in business as well as your personal life. When we talk about creating products or services that people actually need and want, these tools are quite applicable to our personal lives too.


So enjoy applying Chris’s principles and philosophies in all areas of life.
In this interview you’ll learn tons of great insights, here’s a few standout items that I know you’ll especially love:

To best put these tools into action, I’ve created a super comprehensive download.

Drop your name and email in below and grab your copy!

To your success,

Jairek Robbins


Get Your Show Notes Download Here!

writing a book vs creating a program infographic chris brogan jairek robbins interview

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