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23 July 2015

#QuestionOfTheDay – Day 33 – How Do You Define Optimum Health?

Jairek Robbins


Hello folks, this is Jairek Robbins. Today, I’m going to touch on a topic that forms the backbone of our existence – health. But, we’re not just talking about physical health here. We’re exploring the concept of optimum health in a comprehensive sense – physical, emotional, and mental.

So, how do you define optimum health?

Optimum health isn’t just about being free of illness. It’s about being in a state where you’re functioning at your absolute best. It’s about feeling vibrant, energetic, and robust – physically, emotionally, and mentally.

Now, let’s break that down.

Firstly, let’s consider optimum physical health. I define optimum physical health as having a strong, resilient body, good cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, and a robust immune system. It also means being at a healthy weight and having a healthy relationship with food and exercise. But that’s my definition. How do you define optimum physical health for yourself? And, according to your definition, would you say you’re physically healthy?

Next, let’s talk about emotional health. I define optimum emotional health as the ability to understand and manage our feelings effectively. It means being in touch with our emotions, being able to express them appropriately, and being resilient in the face of emotional challenges. But again, this is my personal definition. How do you define optimum emotional health? And how do you stack up against your definition?

Lastly, let’s consider mental health. In my books, optimum mental health means having a healthy thought process, good cognitive abilities, and being free from debilitating mental disorders. It means being able to think clearly, focus, and problem-solve. It also means maintaining a healthy self-image and having the mental resilience to bounce back from life’s challenges. So, I ask you again, how do you define optimum mental health? And according to your definition, are you mentally healthy?

Each of these aspects of health – physical, emotional, and mental – are deeply interwoven. They feed into each other, influencing our overall well-being. For instance, our physical health can influence our emotional and mental health. If we’re physically unwell, it can lead to emotional distress and hinder our cognitive functions. Similarly, our mental and emotional states can affect our physical health. Stress, for example, can manifest in physical symptoms like headaches and high blood pressure.

Therefore, achieving optimum health requires a holistic approach, taking care of our bodies, hearts, and minds. It’s a journey of self-awareness and self-care, of recognizing our needs and responding to them.

Understanding your personal definition of optimum health is the first step toward that journey. It gives you a benchmark to strive for and helps you recognize when something is amiss.

So, how do you define optimum health in these three crucial areas, and where do you stand according to your definitions? I encourage you to take some time to reflect on these questions, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts in the comments section!

To a healthy life,

Jairek Robbins

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