Are you smart if you’ve built a business that only runs when you’re working creating massive pressure to always be “on”?
Are you successful if you’ve made tons of money but on your death bed, because you let this one thing called stress take over your life? My answer would be no.
Yet somehow we’ve glamorized this thing called STRESS. Today we are diving into something that I’m very passionate about. I’ve nearly built a whole business and life around eliminating it… well kind of. (I’ve actually built a business around helping you become the happiest, healthiest, and most fulfilled version of YOU.. in doing that there is a key “thing” we want to eliminate… read on)
Here’s the thing, today’s topic seems to be an epidemic in our society, especially among entrepreneurs. The worst part is we wear this thing like it’s a badge of honor.
However, the very thing we are talking about today is something that causes all sorts of terrible health effects – anxiety, heart attacks, stroke, skin issues, hormone imbalances, it’s very very hard on the body.
My concern is that in the quest to become a “successful entrepreneur” some have forgotten what success even means.
Today I’m going to help you have it all – the business, the life, the love you want without the stress. Tune in and download today’s worksheet that has 3 very powerful questions I don’t want you to miss.
Prefer to read? No Problem! Here is this weeks transcription of JRCtv! Enjoy!
Hey there, welcome back to another episode of JRCtv.
I’m so excited this week to help focus on a couple simple strategies you could do to literally de-stress your entire life, how to get all the negative stress out almost immediately.
So what are the simple ways you can go about literally getting rid of all the distress in your life? Well, let’s start off by sharing 2 types of stress that can occur in your life:
First is Eustress. Eustress is the positive stress, the good stress that shows up when you’re going after something you really want. So the pressure you put on yourself that says I want this goal, I’m going to create a little bit of tension, a little bit of pressure, a little bit of stress to get myself to go after those goals and make it happen. That’s the good stress. We don’t want to get rid of that. That’s useful that propels us, like emotional rocket fuel, to go after our goals, our dreams, our desires, the results we really desire and deserve.
On the other hand, there’s something called Distress. Distress is the type of stress that’s prolonged and starts to deteriorate, tear down, and if not become toxic and poison in our internal nervous system. It starts to put certain hormones and chemicals into our brain and body that start to deteriorate us if left there for a prolonged period of time. So too much cortisol over too much time, too much adrenaline, too much you burn out your adrenals. So all these negative side effects could happen if you stay in that state for too long.
So in today’s world, the question becomes how much stress do we normally have? Well, depends on where you are in life – if you have children, and a spouse, and taking care of yourself, taking care of your health, working hard, earning a paycheck, paying the bills, travelling, trying to make everyone happy in your life, trying to be happy yourself, trying to figure out what life is about – I’ll stop but you might feel a little tension already. Or what’s the purpose of your life? What are you really here for? It’s like aaahhhh – I don’t know! Those are the types of things that cause stress. Just about everything nowadays. Not including how many people liked your last post. Just kidding!
But what happens is all these things is causing prolonged stress again and again and again and again and again and again on your mind and bodies. And many of us don’t have simple core techniques or habits we do every single day to literally get rid of or drain our life of these stress that shows up.
So what are my favorite ways to get rid of any stress that can show up in your life?
Meditation. It’s been show study after study after study that when you can get yourself to sit down, clear your mind at will, become very present of the moment you’re in, and allow that space – it literally drains the stress out of your body almost instantaneously. For all the business executives, entrepreneurs we work with, many of them when I recommend meditation always go “Oh yeah great, what’s next? Give me the next thing. I’m not good at that one. I’m not good at sitting down and thinking of nothing. There’s always something in my mind” is what they say. So we say there’s a couple of devices that we use with our clients that’s really helpful.
Number one is something called Headspace. It’s an app you can download. It’s free for the first 10 modules. And it teaches you the basics of meditation. Now I have a client who runs an incubator fund over in London who is not a spiritual or meditation kind of person. And he got hooked on this. I’ll never forget but he called me back and he was like “wow, I never knew what it would feel like to just have peace and quiet in my mind and different moments throughout the day at will or by choice”. He said this is amazing, people need to know about this. And I said “they do!” Most of them know about it but they just don’t practice, they don’t do it regularly. Or they do it when they are stressed out instead of building the muscle when they’re not so that they can use it when they need it. And that’s the key to this. The goal is that every single day you build the muscle so that when you need it, you can deploy the ability to center, ground and calm your entire mind and body at will with just a couple of breaths.
One other tool we use is something called Choose Muse. In today’s download, we’ll throw a link in there you can use to get a discount on it. It’s something we use and it allows you to track the actual brain activity, the patterns of your mind, and shows you how well you’re meditating. Because when I first started out I thought I was killing it when I was using Headspace. Then I put on this little headband that showed a mini-EEG and all of a sudden I realized I was all over the place! I was thinking all kinds of stuff at the process. So I learned there’s a way to actually get myself auditory feedback of how well I’m actually performing during the meditation and little by little by little increase my ability to keep my mind completely quiet during the entire process. Very useful tool!
I’m going to go as far as say “Hey, what about just listening to your favorite music?” Thinking about something you really love or enjoy. So I would say hey, take time to sit down, put on your favorite music – music that reminds you of maybe the first time you met your spouse or significant other, maybe a time when you had a major victory or accomplishment in your life, something you achieved that you’re so proud of, maybe an incredible vacation you went on a place that literally just allowed you to feel so alive and centered. Now whatever it was that gave you permission to really just relax, become present and enjoy your life, play the music that reminds you of that and literally close your eyes, not if you’re driving but if you were still somewhere safe, close your eyes and vividly imagine the moments that that song reminds you of. The moment when you met him, the moment lying on that beach so peaceful and calm, the moment you took that fun trip or had a great victory. We call these an emotional flood. And by flooding your mind with the music and the visual images and the memories of all these amazing things, it literally counteracts stress.
One of the things you can do? Keep a gratitude journal. Take moments to sit down and write out 5 things you are grateful for each and every day. Scientific research shows when you’re able to do this, it trains your mind to scan the world around you to look for what’s good about it which causes us to feel less stressed, to feel more calm and centered and happy. So in that there’s one other piece of research that came from Stanford that says not only can you identify 5 things, but identify 5 specific attributes in each one of those pieces. So I might say I’m very grateful for my wife, and that’s one element. Now what am I grateful to her for? I’m grateful for her cooking. I’m grateful for her loving. I’m grateful for her snuggles in the morning. I’m grateful for how happy and how funny she is every single day. And taking those moments, all of sudden, deepens the experience of gratitude in your spirit which lessens the stress, calms you up, makes you happy.
So those are 3 of the 5 tips on how to de-stress. We’re going to put 2 more for you just as a bonus in today’s download. And I’ll also give you example questions you can use on how to best use each one of these tools or suggestions.
So download today’s worksheet. Get in there, have some fun. De-stress, get these stuff out of your life so you can stay calm, happy, healthy, strong, fulfilled in your journey towards rapid results and massive results hopefully in your life and business. Also, if you know someone who tends to be more stressed out than others, make sure to share this with them or tag them in the comments or tell them “hey, go watch the video now!”
Have fun with the worksheet. Make sure you take some action. And let us know how it’s helping you. If you happen to be in a stressed out state and you use some of the tools today and it got great results, please email us a testimonial or post it online with #performancecoachuniversity and let us know how it’s helped you in your life and business.
Have fun with this. I look forward to seeing you next week for another episode of JRCtv.
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