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1 July 2014

Why Most Small Businesses Fail & How To Avoid It

Jairek Robbins

I’ve got a question for you, ever wonder why 95% of small business fail within the first 5 years? Want to be a part of that 5% that survive and thrive?!

Well we are back this week with an excellent JRCtv episode that I know will provide a ton of clarity and insight for you! There may even be an “Aha moment” in there for you!

See also: Key Strategies to Build Powerful Business Relationships

Lately, I’ve met many people attending our events and through our 30 minute discovery coaching calls who, when it comes to their business or passion, are trying to either “figure it out” or “take business to the next level”. In today’s episode of JRCtv I’m going to cover an excellent example of how important it is to know your role or strengths when it comes to business.
If you don’t know and understand this powerful piece of information, it’s very likely that you will either stunt the growth of your own business OR worse burn yourself out on your own passion.

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The best part: The information I share in today’s episode can literally be applied to any business, passion project, or hobby to get the best possible results!

In fact, whether you’re considering starting a business or ending one, it’s especially important to tune in today because this information alone helped dozens of clients. One specifically that comes to mind is a when we helped take my client’s 6 figure business (which he was ready to sell or close) to a 7 figure one AND hit the list of Forbes fastest growing companies in the same year! 

Now here is the question you must ask yourself, your partners, and employees (if applicable):
Are you naturally a technician (such as a football PLAYER), a manager (such football COACH), or an entrepreneur (such as the biggest risk taker in the business- the OWNER of the team). Today I’ll provide an excellent understanding, download, and resources of how all this applies directly to your business!

Most commonly asked is “What if I am the technician, manager and entrepreneur in my business?”

It’s not that you cannot necessarily be more than one, you certainly can. However, I can assure you it’s going to stunt, or kill, your business the longer you continue to operate that way. Once you know “what you can do” versus “what your natural talent is”, and then apply the strategies in today’s download, you’ve now set yourself up for tons of success and FREEDOM! 

You see the trouble today is that we use the term “entrepreneur” so freely these days, nearly every one is one (or wants to be one!). Don’t get me wrong, entrepreneurship is a beautiful thing. However, when we glamorize this term, we fail to forget what that title actually entails. The stress, the risk, the responsibilities that come along with this position. (Trust me it’s not all sunshine and rainbows, ask any business owner!)
Therein lies the problem. Not everyone is, nor should be, an entrepreneur because they naturally are technicians or are better suited as managers and they simply do not tolerate risk or uncertainty as well as a natural entrepreneur.
Here’s the good news- you have options! Be sure to download today’s worksheet for how to truly thrive whichever path you choose to go. You can always sign up for a free discovery coaching session if coaching is something you see fit for in your life and business to determine how to apply this information and see tremendous results and freedom!

Enjoy & pay it forward by sharing this message!

To your success,

Jairek Robbins

PS: Join us in Thailand this December!!! Our next Rapid Results Retreat is going to be mind blowing and totally jumpstart the new year for your life, love and business!!!


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