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2 February 2016

What Is Your Personal Motive For Action (Motivation) ?

Jairek Robbins


success when no one is lookingWhy do you do what you do??


What drives you to act? Are you more of a “moving towards” pleasure, excitement or possible rewards type of person?



Or are you the type of person that only takes action to avoid pain, criticism or possibly upsetting someone else?


We all do a bit of both at times, but which do you do most often?


We recently held a webinar for our Performance Coach University program and reviewed 14 different human drivers that cause a person to (or not to) take action!


You can check out the replay here —> http://performancecoachuniversity.com/5pillarswebinar1


After checking that out make sure to download a copy of this weeks worksheet and nail down if you are a moving towards or away from type person.

[youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/7oxNcPD2b-g” width=”550″ height=”330″]

We made sure to toss in a bunch of useful questions to assist you in figuring out how to make both options work FOR you vs you always working for them.


The fun part is, once you figure this out, it seems like that begrudging feeling or frustration of “having” to do something to please someone else immediately goes away and it now feels as if life is working for you vs against you!




To your success,



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