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14 March 2012

The Keys to telling a great story!

Jairek Robbins

Hello to all you hungry minds out there,

This is your late-night copywriting confidant, Jairek Robbins, coming to you from the great beyond. Get ready for a yarn or two, because today we’re going to talk about the anatomy of a great story.

Just the other day, I found myself deep in conversation with a friend. She was wading through a dilemma that you might find familiar. A client of hers, standing at a fork in the road, was choosing the quick, easy path instead of taking the high, rough road that would lead her to the results she yearned for. It got me thinking – why was this client choosing the path of least resistance?

The answer, as often is the case, lies in the power of influence and the art of storytelling. With a good story, you can light the way for others, illuminating paths they might never have seen. A few minutes after my chat, I stumbled upon an online video, and it reminded me of the potency of a well-told tale. This isn’t just about entertaining folks around a campfire. No, my dear readers, a powerful story can change minds, drive action, and, yes, even reshape destinies.

So, if you want to inspire change, guide decision-making, or simply influence those around you, then, my friend, you need to master storytelling. And today, I’m going to share with you seven key elements that make a story truly powerful:

1. The Hook: The first thing any great story needs is a hook. You want to grab your audience from the first sentence and make them want to stay for the rest of the ride.

2. A Relatable Protagonist: Your story needs a hero that your audience can relate to. This doesn’t have to be a superhuman figure; it’s often the flaws and struggles that make a protagonist relatable.

3. Conflict and Resolution: Every story needs conflict. This gives your protagonist something to overcome and provides the dramatic tension that keeps your audience engaged. And, of course, you need a resolution, a final showdown where the conflict is resolved and the protagonist prevails.

4. A Universal Truth: A story is powerful when it reveals a truth about the human condition. This gives your story depth and makes it resonate with your audience on a deeper level.

5. Emotion: A great story makes your audience feel something. Whether it’s joy, sorrow, anger, or fear, emotions are the vehicle that transport your audience from mere observers to active participants in your story.

6. A Clear, Compelling Message: Your story needs a takeaway, a clear, compelling message that gives your audience something to think about long after the story is over.

7. Actionable Insights: Lastly, but most importantly, a powerful story should guide your audience towards a course of action. It should compel them to make a change, to take a step, to be better than they were before they heard your story.

There you have it – seven key elements to crafting a story that’s more than just words strung together. A story that can light the way, change minds, and make a difference. Whether you’re a writer, a marketer, or just someone looking to make a positive impact on the world, I hope these insights serve you well.

Influence, my dear readers, isn’t about manipulation. It’s about enlightenment. It’s about painting a picture so vivid, so compelling, that the only choice your audience has is to step into that picture and become a part of it.

In the end, that’s what my friend’s client needed – not a map, but a story. A story to show her the way, to inspire her to take the road less traveled and to reassure her that despite its challenges, this road leads to the greatest reward.

In the spirit of great storytelling, until next time, keep those pens fiery and your stories powerful.

Jairek Robbins

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