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According to the World Economic Forum, nearly 50% of all Americans think artificial intelligence and robots will, in the coming 50 years, probably do the work currently done by humans, while about 10% think this will definitely happen. Are you one of these people who think robots as well as computers will render you unemployed? […]
One of the biggest challenges that newbie business coaches experience (and even many experienced coaches) is uncertainty regarding how to put a price on their coaching services. They fear that they could set the rate so high that potential clients opt out of contacting them, or they fear that the price may be so low […]
If you start a business, customers will not come beating a path to your door on their own unless you undertake deliberate measures to attract your target market. Don’t believe the hype that when you build a great mousetrap the world will automatically come marching to your door! The challenge for many small businesses is […]
Are you finally ready to launch your e-commerce business, or are you still unsure whether there are additional preparations you need to undertake before the launch? As they say, hindsight is 20/20 vision, so we have compiled for you some lessons many online sellers wish they knew before they started those businesses. Learn from these […]
Since launching our podcast we have had the opportunity to interview some incredible people. We have featured stories that will lift you up, pull you through, make you laugh and make you cry. If you are not already subscribed- What Are You Waiting For? – there is not one episode where you […]
“How can I be of service?” There has never been a more well-intentioned phrase. It truly is a hallmark phrase of someone who is looking to connect, share their knowledge and add value, right? This is true, but on the receiving end of this question and in the wrong format, it can […]