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Could a simple conversation drive high-quality work and performance? Whenever we think of performance coaching, we usually imagine exceptional people or ‘star talent.’ Coaching in itself purports to change our lives and help us reach our most cherished goals, But does it really work? ICF, one of the most reputable coaching accreditation organizations in the […]
To acquire the best out of people, we have to first believe that the best is in there. But how do we know it is? How much is there? And how do we get this out? The answers to all these questions are easily found in the Grow Model for coaching. Whether we coach, recommend, […]
If you are just starting out on your coaching journey, you may be wondering what it would take for you to get celebrities as coaching clients. What other way to learn how it is done other than by taking lessons from someone who has an extensive roster of A-Listers as clients? In this post, we […]
From the time Howard Dresner first came up with the term “business intelligence” back in 1989 to refer to the data analysis techniques and tools businesses can use to support their processes of making decisions, the technology has come a long way and appears to be making its way into more and more businesses. This […]
Recently, Jairek Robbins was a guest on the “22 Minutes to Having It All” podcast and discussed the emotional blind spots ruining the happiness of so many people. We bring you the excerpts from that podcast interview hosted by Marlo Higgins. Is there anything that you would like to elaborate outside of the bio we […]
The first quarter of 2021 is behind us and the second one is well underway. If you are a small business owner who is still worried about what this year has in store for you, take your cue from a survey which was done among your peers by These findings should raise your spirits […]