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It’s easy to stay focused and on track when everything is going well. But what happens when you fall off the wagon? How do you get back to your best self after falling off track?
Many business owners hate having difficult conversations, but how we handle these situations is vital to the success of our businesses and, indeed, our careers.
You should be. Concentration risk is a serious issue for any business, and it can come from anywhere. It could be the result of an acquisition or merger, or it might just happen naturally as your customers grow in size and volume. Whatever the cause, if you don’t take steps to mitigate this risk now, it will only get worse over time.
Ray Dalio, who has been a leading global investor for 50 years, shares his findings of a quest he undertook to understand the workings of the world. This search was necessary because Dalio was interested in learning the principles that explain the history of the major economies over the past, how they rose and fell, […]
I’ve got a question for you, ever wonder why 95% of small business fail within the first 5 years? Want to be a part of that 5% that survive and thrive?! Well we are back this week with an excellent JRCtv episode that I know will provide a ton of clarity and insight for you! […]
Just about 5 years ago I was getting ready to take a leap from working for dad to starting a business of my own. Little did I know that business would go from zero dollars to $100,000+ in a little less than 8 months. That business (100% online) helped me move from living in the […]