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Part 2 …
Welcome back! So did you take a moment and
ask yourself to see if you are (honestly) applying
the two wealth philosophies that we talked about
in your life to the fullest extent possible?
If you are not… WHY NOT? What would have to
happen for you to start fully applying both wealth
strategies TODAY!?
The goal of this wealth series is to help you
TAKE ACTION toward creating ABSOLUTE
ABUNDANCE in your life!
Remember in order to have the ABSOLUTE
ABUNDANCE mindset you must be willing to
TAKE the ACTIONS necessary in order to
create it in your life!
So now… STEP 2: Learning to MEASURE and
Here is a quick video on the difference this step
has made in my life and how it has helped a good friend
go from $0 to $200 Million Dollars to $750 Million Dollars
to -$500 Million Dollars and back to the top once more…
So what did you learn?
Hopefully you got a bit of an insight from a man who
has literally been able to create a MASS of financial
abundance in his life, loose it and eventually make it
all back again!
The very first step to create an ABUNDANCE of $
is you have to TAKE COUNT and figure out where
you are starting from…
Personally I HIGHLY RECOMMEND using a very cool
workbook that a long time family friend (Chris Hendrickson)
created called the "TAKE COUNT WORKBOOK"
In this workbook Chris will walk you through your
current financial situation, crunch the numbers and
literally give you a grade on how well you are currently
set up to reach your long term financial goals!
It is super simple and will give you an unbelievably
crystal clear picture on where you actually are at
in your finances!
Once you are crystal clear on where you are regarding the
actual numbers… then lets take a moment and visit
another author that has shared with me a tool that
literally provided one of the simplest yet most
profound and powerful tools I have in my wealth
tool belt!
Robert Kiyosaki author of the book "Rich Dad, Poor
Dad" and creator of the Cash flow board game (tell
you more about this game in a bit! It is the MOST
EXPENSIVE board game I have ever purchased and
worth easily 10x the investment)
A while back I was introduced to the book "Rich Dad,
Poor Dad", read it and was literally blown away at the
impact it had on my life.
There are TONS of financial lessons that Robert covers
in the book I 100% recommend that you get a copy and
read it!
The #1 lesson I pulled from his book is simply this…
"My poor dad said…'we can't afford it'. My rich dad said…
'how can we afford it'."
Now some of you are thinking THAT'S IT! Come on…I
read all of this for THAT!
YES! It is by far one of the simplest shifts you can make
in your mindset and at the same time a shift that will literally
open more opportunities to you and your family than you
could ever imagine…
This for a second of something you've ALWAYS wanted to do
in your life… take your family on a vacation? Buy your dream
house?…etc. and ask yourself… Why haven't I purchased
that yet? (listen to all of the stories…)
Then ask… Why can't I afford it? (and listen to all the reasons
that pop up in your head)
The ask… How can I afford it? (ignore, I CAN't… and wait
just a few more seconds for your brain to process and begin
to come up with creative solutions of how you can afford to
take that dream family vacation, or move your family into
that dream house!)
If you practice this simple tool it is AMAZING at the possibilities
you will be able to have in your life!
Ok wow this was a long one…
Going to save some for tomorrow!
Stay tuned!
Jairek Robbins
PS: I mentioned Cash Flow 101 and said it was the most
expensive board game I had ever purchased in my life! Yet
worth 10x's the investment! Well I lied… I say it is easily worth
100x's the investment!
Playing this board game has literally helped me to create and
re-enforce both the mindset and consistent action patterns that
at 27 years old has set me up (already) for absolute financial
PSS: Stay tuned for tomorrow STEP 3: Creating your wealth
VISION! The insights on both creating a vision for wealth
in your life and a few insights on how to rapidly achieve
that vision!