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14 August 2015

#QuestionOfTheDay – Day 46 – When is it best to text vs call vs Facebook vs E-mail…etc.

Jairek Robbins


Greetings, dear readers, and fellow seekers of effective communication! Today, we embark on a journey to master the art of connecting with others through various mediums.  I have witnessed the transformative power of choosing the right communication channel for different situations and individuals. In this blog post, we explore the best times to call, text, email, or use social media and how to make these decisions thoughtfully. Join me in reflecting on the dos and don’ts of mixing communication methods in both personal and business interactions. Share your thoughts in the comments and enhance your communication skills.

Choosing the Right Communication Medium:

In this digital age, we are blessed with an array of communication tools at our disposal. Each medium offers unique advantages, but knowing when and how to use them is essential for effective connection.

1. Texting:

Texting is ideal for quick and concise communication, such as coordinating plans, sharing brief updates, or sending reminders. It is best suited for informal interactions with friends, family, and colleagues.

2. Calling:

A phone call is more personal and allows for immediate interaction. It is ideal for important discussions, resolving issues, or conveying emotions that might be lost in written messages.

3. Emailing:

Email is suitable for longer, detailed messages, professional communications, and formal documentation. It offers a more structured approach for business-related matters.

4. Social Media:

Social media can be a powerful tool for engaging with a broader audience, sharing information, and fostering online communities. It is valuable for networking and brand building.

When to Text, Call, Email, or Send a Letter:

Making the right communication choice depends on the context and the individual involved:

1. Texting: Use texting for casual conversations, quick questions, or when you know the person prefers this mode of communication.

2. Calling: Opt for a phone call when the matter is urgent, requires immediate attention, or is sensitive in nature.

3. Emailing: Choose email for formal or professional communications, sharing detailed information, or when a written record is necessary.

4. Sending a Letter: While less common today, sending a letter is suitable for more personal or formal situations, such as expressing gratitude, sympathy, or important announcements.

Dos and Don’ts of Mixing Communication Mediums:

In personal and business interactions, it’s essential to strike the right balance:

1. Do Be Consistent: Stick to a single medium for ongoing conversations to avoid confusion and miscommunication.

2. Don’t Mix Serious Matters with Casual Platforms: Avoid discussing critical issues on social media or text messages; instead, use more formal channels.

3. Do Respect Communication Preferences: Consider the other person’s preferences and use the medium they are comfortable with.

4. Don’t Rely Solely on One Medium: Diversify your communication approach to cater to varying preferences.

As we conclude our exploration of effective communication, let us remember that choosing the right medium is an art that requires understanding and empathy. Embrace the diversity of communication tools available and be mindful of the context and preferences of those you connect with. Share your thoughts in the comments and join the conversation on enhancing our interpersonal skills and building stronger connections. Together, let us foster meaningful and effective communication in both our personal and professional lives.


Here is some research on the topic.

Source: Acompli Survey of Professionals, March 2014. 

Call - text v2Call - Text v1

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