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Welcome back! This week we are focusing on freedom & fulfillment. Specifically we are discussing common obstacles you may be face when it comes to turning your passion into a business or growing your current business online.
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When you think about starting your own business, or taking your business to the next level, what comes to mind?
For some people its the thought that they have to give up, sell or invest everything they have into starting a business that scares them away. For others, they think they should have overnight success because they see other businesses that do, so they burn themselves out in year 1, 2, or 3.
Well here’s the deal, you start monetizing your passion or turning that brilliant idea you have into a business doesn’t mean you have to liquidate everything and drain your bank accounts. It simply means you need to be creative in where and how you allocate your assets. Be resourceful.
Most importantly, get your expectations right. If you think you should hit it big within the first three years, you’re setting yourself up for heartbreak and burnout. Now it’s okay to have goals, just you must remember even the greatest brands of our time took YEARS to get up and off the ground. The point is it’s an anomaly for a business to really hit it big the first couple years. However, as you continue to invest your time and energy you’ll build momentum and eventually that momentum will generate incredible results! Think long term, not short term.
That said, we have a super special guest this week on JRCTv: Marie Forleo, the founder of B-School, is a brilliant business woman who helps fellow entrepreneurs, around the world, absolutely crush it when it comes to launching and running a successful online business!
Let’s be real. Pursuing your dreams isn’t easy. It’s can be pretty flippin’ scary! I mean it’s a huge risk right… you could lose your home, your car, your family, your friends, you could starve, you might develop crossed finger disease… OH WAIT, that’s just the stories you keep telling yourself, which slow you down and stop you from getting what you desire and deserve!
Going after what you REALLY want in life doesn’t mean you have to put EVERYTHING on the line. In fact, by having that mentality right you are holding yourself back tremendously from going after your wildest dreams and loftiest goals (and succeeding!!). Once you get creative and create a game plan of how you can strategically launch and grow you business, you’ll realize it’s not nearly a complicated as you had convinced yourself! Marie is an expert in this area and she helps people overcome these fears and achieve heaps of success in her B-School program, which is why I’m thrilled to have her as a guest this week!
Our goal, always has been and always will be, is to get you results, RAPID RESULTS! So last week, when I sat down with my friend Marie Forleo, I asked her to share her best insight as to what it really takes to get your business started, running, and ROCKING right now, and how to know whether your idea is a good idea!? Lastly, we talk about how to know if taking your business online is the best move for your current business.
After watching our interview on JRCtv, be sure to check out Marie’s FREE training videos on killer marketing and sales strategies, and other great tools on running an online business from anywhere in the world.
Are you ready to take your business online, or simply looking for ways to grow your current business? Marie’s B-School is open for enrollment now! (and it’s only open ONCE a year)
So, be sure to register here for free content, or simply dive in and enroll today! (Scholarships are available too!)