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6 March 2013

How To Find Love – Are They Just A Friend or Are They Relationship Material?

Jairek Robbins

Hello Friends!!!


Welcome back to another AMAZING Episode of JRCTv.

Today we are going to be answering a few questions that were sent in from our good friend Nina in Last Vegas!

Her first questions is on behalf of a bunch of her girlfriends out in Las Vegas who are all wondering…

“How do you know if a guy is just a friend or if they are actually relationship material?”

Well there are quite a few ways to “tell”, in this weeks episode we dig in a bit deeper to what would really cause this uncertainty and give some rock solid tips of how to get crystal clear on EXACTLY how to know the difference between a good friend and a potential love partner!

Her second question was…

“Is it ok for the ladies to make the first move in the relationship?”

for this one we turn to the author David Deida to give us a few tips on “Masculine and Feminine” energy and how better understanding each can help anyone and everyone to have a more PASSIONATE and FULFILLING relationship!




[youtube_sc url=”gD5ciEMMTB8″ width=”540″ height=”340″]

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