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5 May 2015

Falling Short Of Your Goals? 4 Steps You Need To Apply Right Now

Jairek Robbins


If you’re falling short of any goals, big or small, this episode is for YOU. I’m breaking down exactly why you’re not hitting those goals or getting what you want in life AND 4 steps to get you moving towards them.


If you have already seen the first half of this series check out THIS episode first. It’s excellent and will give you a great foundation.



See Also: Success: Why Some Get It & Others Don’t

But if you only have 5 minutes today, definitely tune in and download today’s step by step action items (below) to help you get unstuck, re-energized, and on your way to achieve massive success in any part of you life.

[youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/ZL2EnEKztzY” width=”540″]

Download this episode (right click and save)

Often time times we aren’t seeing the results we are after because of (insert any story, excuse, belief) and this is just the beginning of what is holding us back. While I often give in-depth keynotes and presentations on the topic, today I’m going to give you an overview and just enough super valuable insight to get you finally moving!


The deeper you dive into these action items, the greater the dividends you’ll reap.


After watching, if you think this is a message your team or company could benefit from, we’d love an opportunity to come and deliver a power packed training for you! This page has all the information we will need from you to make it happen –> Jairek Robbins Keynote Speaking Application


Enjoy today’s JRCtv episode and please do pass this one to anyone you know that is trying to get unstuck or find a way to make great things happen in their life!


If you’ve been through my 30 day RRF program, some of these will sound quite familiar. I hope this episode helps you gain clarity, confidence and focus once again!


To Your Success,



Get Your JRCtv worksheet Download Here!

Achieving Goals v1 infographic  science of goals infographic

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