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Guest: Stef Taukafa
Age: 26 years
Location: Sydney, Australia
Bio: Born and raised in Sydney Australia Former Professional Rugby League player Husband to a beautiful woman name Justine Taukafa, Father to 3 angels (Mckenzie, Adelaide & Mary-Jane Taukafa) Entrepreneur as a personal development & mentor coach for professional athletes.
World Needs More Of…
1. To really understand the true meaning of success and identity. “Education is a process of receiving and delivering” and that happens every day of our life that we have the opportunity to grow and learn about life’s experience and to identify what it will take to fulfill their full potential in life.
Wow factor: When I left my professional career to follow my gut feeling that wasn’t clear at that time and become one of the most powerful moments in life that’s made me the man I am today.
Favorite Color: Green