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3 December 2018

Ep 43 – Jim “Bubba” Bay – What the World Needs More Of… Patience

Jairek Robbins

Guest: Jim “Bubba” Bay

Age: 53

Location: Pine Plains, New York

Wow Factor: Actually my WOW factor is that I am a common man that people can relate too. Being overweight most of my life, the sickness, and death of my 2 kid and my fall and near death experience has helped shape it.

What the world needs more of: The world needs more love, compassion, appreciation, belief.

Bio: Jim “Bubba” Bay has been a lifelong resident of upstate New York. Although one year was spent living in Arizona. For the past 32 years, I have been working as a landscaper with my brother John. I also have worked for many years at my family’s gas station as well as a sports coach for my local high school. I have 5 children, Logan, Lauryn, Jon, and sons Robert and James Ulysses in Heaven. My favorite activity, besides spending time with my family, is metal-detecting. When metal detecting I truly enjoy the hunt for lost treasures. Finding something is icing on the cake!!!

Favorite Color: Blue

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