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Why is emotional intelligence important? Well, let’s check in.
Are you a leader at work?
Are you A Parent. A Spouse, A Partner, A Friend?
Do you believe that how you are showing up in the world is important?
Do you want how you are showing up in the world to yield positive and impactful results? If you answered YES to all or some of these, then emotional awareness is key in all your relationships.
Today we are sharing with you 5 tips to build up your emotional EQ!
So where do we start?
Well the first step to being emotionally intelligent is know where you currently are.
Check out a full breakdown of all these tips and get the other 2 tips by joining the conversation! Click Below.
If you know someone who needs to hear this message, be sure to share this with them!
To Your Success!
Jairek Robbins
Tools mentioned in this weeks episode – MUSE and SPIRE.