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18 June 2013

Are YOU ready to kick procrastination to the curb? – JRCTv –

Jairek Robbins

Do you often procrastinate and push back doing the things you “know” you need to do?

Have you ever found yourself reading a good book, attending a seminar or sitting through a lecture thinking “DUH, I know this…” ??

Well you seem to know it cognitively (meaning you understand the mental concept), but are you actually applying it in your life? For most the answer is NO!

Most gather tons of “strategies” thinking if they just discover the right strategy they will be able to turn their dreams into reality!

It is very sad that they spend their whole lives thinking that if they could just learn a new tool, everything will work out. Or even better, they know the tools and they are all fired up emotionally about the tools… yet STILL do not apply it in their lives.

That stage is super frustrating…

Then there are those people that finally take it from a thought, to an emotionally intense feeling to an actual set of consistent ACTIONS!

They are going through what I call the 4 Levels of Understanding!

I explain it all in this weeks episode of JRCTv … enjoy!

Click the video to watch!

[youtube_sc url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDk03tZLaNY” width=”540″ height=”340″]

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