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11 April 2012

Are YOU Living Full Out? #Makeitcount

Jairek Robbins

Hello fellow adventurers,

Jairek Robbins, your friendly navigator through the turbulent waters of life, here to pose a question. Are you truly LIVING your life? And by that, I don’t mean merely existing. Are you grabbing life by the horns and taking it for a thrilling ride, or are you sticking to the safe zone, just trying to make it through the day?

I just stumbled upon an incredible video showcasing two individuals who pushed their boundaries, choosing to live on the edge rather than merely survive. What they achieved in just ten days was nothing short of amazing. It’s proof that when we embrace life, when we dive headfirst into our passions, the impossible starts looking achievable.

Here’s the video. Let it inspire you, let it stoke the fire in your belly and let it remind you of the thrilling potential of life lived to its fullest.

Now, let’s reflect:

1. Living On The Edge: What steps can you take to truly embrace life and live on the edge? Being on the edge doesn’t necessarily mean taking reckless risks. It means stepping out of your comfort zone, trying new things, and challenging yourself in ways that stir your soul.

2. Make It Count: How can you elevate your game and really #MakeItCount? Every day we are given is a precious opportunity to create, to grow, to make a difference. Are you making the most of yours?

3. Commit & Act: What can you do, right now, to commit and act on this notion of living life full out? Your commitment is the fuel, but action is the engine. What immediate, tangible steps can you take to seize the day?

Remember the words of Abraham Lincoln, “It is not the years in your life that count, it is the LIFE in your years.” Ask yourself, are you living your years to the fullest or just clocking them in?

So, my friends, let’s strive to inject more LIFE into our years. Let’s commit to living on the edge, to taking risks and embracing challenges, to really making every single moment count. Here’s to living life, not just surviving it!

Until next time, dare greatly and live fully.

Jairek Robbins

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