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18 March 2015

4 Questions That Will Instantly Boost Your Productivity

Jairek Robbins

good things wait for those that hustle but only whats left behind  ab lincoln motivational  quote  hustle quote success quoteThey say “You have as many hours in a day as Beyonce” so if that’s true why aren’t we all seeing record breaking results like her?


We may not have her voice, her team, or Jay-z to help us dominate our industry.


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What we do have however is a box of tools and plenty of knowledge that we’re not even tapping into.


The difference between someone who can seem to move mountains and you is knowing how to maximize productivity.


While we currently have an excellent 30 day program that has helped thousands of people see remarkable results, today’s episode is actually going to really keep it simple for you. It won’t be as advanced as the program, but it will help you get the very basics down getting stuff done.


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Let’s dive in and get focused on the 4 W’s of Productivity:



Related: 5 Genius Time Management Solutions – An Interview with Brian Tracy



Take these answers and really focus on ways to align them to maximize your productivity.


If you’re not sure the answer, work backwards. The more answers the better to help eliminate distractions and productivity killers:


Now that you know what productivity kills exists in your life, eliminate them asap. If that’s not possible, it’s time to start doing some serious cleanup. Perhaps that means leveraging out some jobs or tasks to others who do thrive in that environment at that time, with those people, on that project.


Sometimes the important stuff isn’t the easiest stuff. Make a decision to get creative and figure out a way to make those 4W’s align.


Get what I’m saying?


Keep me posted on your results of applying this strategy in your life. Has it helped with procrastination Has your progress brought about more happiness? I know for many of my coaching clients it has, but I want to hear from you. Share with me on the blog below or Facebook.


I look forward to seeing you achieve meaningful and massive results!

To your success,

Jairek Robbins


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