Join hundreds of thousands of people around the world increasing their personal and professional performance
Have you ever been on a diet where part of your accountability was to write down everything you consumed that day?
If you have, we are sure writing things down affected how you ate for that time period. Knowing that what you wrote, would be reviewed and analyzed probably helped you to make better food choices. If you continued to do this over time, you would see the benefits of having to be
How can this be applied to other areas of our life? What if we became hyper aware of the images we watched, the conversations we partake in, the music we listen to and the effects it could be having on our mental state.
That is exactly what we are exploring in this 24-hour mental health challenge. Grab a journal, watch the video below and get the details of how this is going to work. Let’s dive in!
When your 24 hours is over, we would LOVE to hear your biggest distinctions.
To your success,
Jairek Robbins
During this 100 day