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4 January 2019

100 Day Personal Performance & Business Growth Challenge (Day 3)

Jairek Robbins

Day 3: High Quality Sleep! 

During this 100 day challenge we are going to be focused on simple daily actions that can help you be the happiest + healthiest + strongest + most fulfilled version of yourself!! Along with specific tactics you can use to grow your buisness & $$ as well!

High Quality Sleep — A study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal showed that sleep deprivation is directly related to an inability to lose weight. Test subjects were put on the same exercise and diet program, but those who were in the sleep deprivation group (less than 6 hours per night) consistently lost less weight and body fat than the control group who slept for 8+ hours a night.

There are several other studies showing sleep deprivation encouraging cancer, Alzheimer’s, and depression. But what I want to focus on for you today is what you can do to radically improve your sleep starting TONIGHT, and avoid these chronic issues in the first place. Sound good?

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